Electric Floor Heating Dares to Mess with Texas!
The lowest average temperature of the year in Athens Texas is 58 degrees Fahrenheit, yet radiant floor heating has become a must have for some of it's citizens. CC of Athens purchased a floor warming system two years ago when he was remodeling his bathroom. He has enjoyed it for two years and is now buying a new home where some remodeling is necessary. He wants to install a ceramic tile floor and declares "I wouldn't have a tile floor without it!"
Athens is considered to be the "black eyed pea" capital of the world, and sometimes it gets so hot that you could cook your black eyed peas without turning on the stove. Nevertheless, when your feet hit the cold bathroom floor - the welcome radiant heat generated by a floor heating system - is an affordable luxury that Texans will not do without. In Texas - people are used to doing things "bigger and better", so why not do every kitchen and bathroom remodel "bigger and better" by adding a electric radiant heating system.
Athens is also considered a major retirement community and what better way to ride out the golden years, by having the golden warmth generated by a under tile floor warming system create soothing comfortable heat for your body. The floor heating systems typically cost pennies to run, however, add value to your real estate, and add value to your lifestyle. When people come over for that Texas size barbecue - treat them to an unforgettable experience as they use the bathroom or enjoy the tile floor on the kitchen!