Heated Flooring in Ohio
Bay Village, Ohio was ranked by Family Circle Magazine as one of the "Ten Best Towns for Families in 2012". It is also now ranked as one of Thermosoft's favorite towns where we love to install our heated flooring. Working with A_______, VP of Operations at A_______ Restoration company in Ohio has been a pleasure", said David Kaempf, Sales Specialist for Thermosoft International. "A_____________ had a situation where he wanted to install in floor heat under a wood floor, and didn't want the hassle that comes along with installing traditional heated flooring, like mortars and cements". Thermosoft's answer for this situation is their patented three in one heated flooring solution, Thermosfloor. "There simply is no electric radiant floor heating solution that is easier to install," commented Dave. Thermofloor provides thermal insulation, sound protection and of course, radiant heating. The floor warming system can be installed on any structurally solid sub-floor, and minimizes raising the floor, as it is "ultra thin". Thermofloor heated flooring is made with Thermosoft's patented FiberThermics® technology, which gives the product a competitive edge from all the rest. Thermofloor heated floor mats can be installed under any type of laminates, carpet tiles, and of course wood floors as well. Heated flooring can be used for comfort and it also can be used as a sole source of heating, so today – as wood floors are installed in the whole house – you can install in floor heat and experience a dramatic reduction in your heating bill. Bay Village, Ohio will never be the same, now that it has had a taste of our wonderful floor heating.