Radiant Floor Heating - Great for Summer?!
Summertime is a "hot time" for radiant floor heating. You may think I'm joking, that I have my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. Not so. In floor heat is not just for the winter time, and I will prove it, with my "Top Reasons for radiant floor heating in the Summer": Let us hear the drum roll please!
Reason number 1: When you or your children get home from the pool, they are a slippery dripping mess. Whether they go into the mud room or the bathroom – they will leave huge puddles of water. Water for people to slip on and water that will get your socks wet. What better place to have electric radiant floor heating – which slowly will dry up even the biggest puddle over time.
Reason Number 2: Air Conditioning can create a very cold tile – and make it very uncomfortable for your feet. Radiant floor heating can take the edge off of the cold floors –even in the summer time – and add that luxurious comfort in your private bath space. In basements – radiant floor heating can take the edge off of the cold floor, no matter the season!
Reason Number 3: 3 Season rooms and porches are typically heated by the common furnace, or perhaps a wood furnace. In the evening, it is usually cold in the three season room – but not cold enough to turn on the household furnace. What a great time to use your radiant floor heating for localized heat – right where you need it. Radiant floor heating in a 3 season room is a no brainer!
So there you have it – and I'm sure you can think of your own reasons why radiant floor heating is popular – even in the summer-time. Enjoy!